Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Quote:Focus on possibilities and opportunities

 Quote : Don't focus on problems

Quote: Hurt, injury,pain and loss are better than lie

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Quote: Don't expect appreciation, praise and rewards from people after doing great work

 Quote: Expect reward only from Lord Almighty

Quote: Use, utilize and spend time appropriately and properly

 Quote: Don't waste time, value your time since time is precious

Quote: Both good and bad experience lead to success and opportunities


Quote: Help everyone, help your enemies, help weak and poor people


Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Quote: Hard work and efforts are not waste and useless

 Quote: Hardwork and efforts lead to experience, positive things, good work and deeds, change in thinking, gain in experience, change in atitude, knowledge and understanding, they are never lost

Quote:Limits are illusion


Quote:Some times listens to your heart don't follow your mind and stop thinking

 Quote: Disadvantages of excessive and useless thinking

Quote:Search goodness in every moment and in every day


Quote: Key to championship: Belief in self and trust in Lord Almighty

 Source of all championship is help from Almighty

Good morning message and wishes: Time, money, power, good nature, understanding and real cooperation

 Quotes on Time, money, power, good nature, understanding and real cooperation